Financial Tithes and Offerings
Our giving is done via an offering during the Sunday service and/or via direct debit.
BSB: 014 502 A/C: 3973 03412
Thanks for worshipping Christ Jesus at Whitsunday Baptist Church.
We are always looking for people to fulfil a variety of roles that support our church and the local community at large. If you would like to get more involved, make new friends or learn a new skill, volunteering is a great way to do so. Let us know what you like to do, how you can help, or what time you have available, and we will find a way to include your time and skills in service to God’s church.
Here are some of the opportunities:
Welcoming – welcome people on their arrival at church and ushering if needed
Morning Tea – providing basic refreshments, serving coffee and tea
Kid’s Church – leaders and helpers (for primary age children)
Gathered Worship – sound operator, data operator (changing song slides on the computer), worship leading, playing an instrument, singing, leading communion, preaching, praying, and more
During the Week
Connect Groups – leaders and/or hosts (weekly or fortnightly)
Youth – Friday night youth program leaders and supervisors
RE Day Camp – leaders, organising crafts, playing music, running games, and more (once a term)
Administration – various individual tasks
Service – practical help, pastoral care, meals and hospitality, etc
Join our weekly prayer meetings on Monday and Sunday
- Meet at the Church
- From 8:00 am Monday
- From 09:30 am Sunday
We would love to see you there.
We love to serve our local community, and we do this in a variety of ways. Sometimes we hold special events and invite the locals to come along. Other times, you may find us at a stand at one of our local shopping centres or handing out free coffee at the Christmas carols in Airlie Beach. We assist those with little resources and like to help out in other ways as much as we can.
We run RE Day Camps once a term at the Cannonvale State School and always need people who have skills in the following:
- Craft
- Leading small groups
- Music
- Story telling
- Other special talents
If you would like to be involved, you will need a current Blue Card (Working With Children), which can be obtained free through the Whitsunday Baptist Church. Please contact us for more information.